Intj socionics. I do agree with most of what Diabono said. Intj socionics

 I do agree with most of what Diabono saidIntj socionics  They assertively use their will to receive results

Analyst (Robespierre, Logical-intuitive introvert, INTJ) - description of the type of LII in Humanitarian socionics . The intuitive subtype is emotional, composed, and firm. So an ENFPs functions are: Ne Fi Te Si, Ni, Fe, Ti, Se. In MBTI I am an INTP. A quadra is a group of four socionic types which have the same valued elements (i. -- ghostintheshell. INTJ (MBTI) = INTp (socionics) Or ISFP (MBTI) = ISFj (socionics) I am an INTJ and have an ISFP girlfriend, and according to socionics our relationship type is Activity, which means joint activities make our relationships thrive. ILI often spend a great deal of time simply thinking and may spend excessive amounts of time in their mind. Along with the similar concept of complementarity, it is a fundamental part of socionics, and. EIE-Fe would amplify your Se making you more decisive and confident, not less. Mostly Russian. Compiled by Charity. ENTP come second to INTP, they are able to solve a country problems. Your other high scores are Fi-Ne (INFj), Fi-Se (ISFj), and Si-Te (ISTp). ) Activation partners belong to the same quadra. I used to date an INTP and it didn't really work that well - later I found out that our relationship type was. A dichotomy is a binary trait that divides phenomena into one of two opposite categories. I find myself to be an ambiverted where people can’t really tell which end of the spectrum I fall on. Your strong point is an analytical mind, structural thinking, the ability to catch the patterns of any phenomenon. Socionics divides people into 16 different types, called sociotypes which are; ESTJ, ENTJ, ESFJ, ENFJ, ISTJ, ISFJ, INTJ, INFJ, ESTP, ESFP, ENTP, ENFP, ISTP, ISFP, INTP & INFP. It can be categorized as a type of nomothetic psychology. Criticizes sometimes with a dose of biliousness. So then you can be an INTP in MBTI and ESFj in socionics???VDOM DHTML tml>. what is your humor like as an intj? Question silly little question. In general, their lifestyle is at least partly organized according to the rules they impute to the world,. xxxx. MBTI: ISTJ. And yes, Sp/Sx fits the stereotype of the solitary INTJ better. Just took this test and it was good up until it showed photos of people and said “choose one or the other. How Subtypes create “Pseudo-Types” (Socionics) In Socionics, there is the so-called “ Inert/Contact ” subtype system. Wikisocion is a non-commercial, permanent project that does not represent the interests of any single school of socionics, but is instead meant to accurately describe socionics as. Since Socionics doesn't assign j/p letter same way as does MBTI, the j/p letter ends up beng switched around for introverted types (and introverted types only, extraverts keep same, so LIE (ENTj) is MBTI ENTJ). Personality type for ILI from Socionics and what is the personality traits. Socionics type INTj— TiNe psychological functions use= MBTI INTP. Intuitive thinking and design are the hallmarks of INTJ, and they believe they have the answers. Yes, there is a significant correlation between one's MBTI type and one's Sociotype. QuadrasSocionics is a theory of how individuals select and process information. Appreciates comfort, both in work and in. com. e. V. Q & As Ask a Socionics related question or provide an answer to an existing one. As a result of all this, J/P is traditionally "flipped" in introverts between the two systems because of function order. LSEs are pragmatists and realists. Si & Se descriptions are the only ones that differ too much between MBTI and Socionics, but INTJ and LSI have the same valued sensing aspect of Se. LII (INTj) means Ti-Ne (introverted Thinking - extraverted iNtuition), which is similar to INTP in MBTI. level 1. They see the world as a puzzle to be solved and are constantly looking for patterns and connections. . This is same as functions of MBTI INTJ. Periods of intense stress will make a type focus on their PoLR. My belief is that some of the. So the introverted types end up with a different four letter code, due to this notation difference. The characters and the situation itself very accurately illustrate the nature of a dual relationship of this dyad. In terms of consistency, types on MBTI and Socionics are the same. 4. SO, INTJ's arent even close to INTPs. com. However, LSIs' confrontational nature is subdued and subservient to Ti ideology. Socionics is a theory of how individuals select and process information. General description. Introverted Intuition Ni. For example, INFPs (in Myers-Briggs) have a dominant. Conclusion: Between ISTj and ENTp there is Intertype Relationship of Supervision, where ISTj is Supervisee to ENTp. ILE's tend to be unaware of how others view them relationship wise, unstable in levels of trust. In MBTI, J/P is determined by the main extroverted function, which makes more sense to me, if you're. They are generally focused on the accomplishment of productive tasks in the world outside of themselves, and give little thought to whether their approaches to these problems are systemically consistent. Its purpose is to bring together and organize information in a way that allows anyone to improve and clarify it. The LII is most engaged in communication when they are critically analyzing. Socionics on the other hand, argues that we use THESE SAME four functions, but the shadow functions or the functions we don't. Socionics Type Profiles by T. Socionics goes far beyond Myers-Briggs when it comes to relationship compatibility. It’s okay. Jan 17, 2017. Socionics is a theory of how individuals select and process information. Articles Various articles on the subject of Socionics and Types in general. ForumsSo if you are in a relationship make sure you give them plenty of alone time and space periodically otherwise they will feel irritated by you and break things off themselves. Reinin : Static · Obstinate · Aristocratic · Tactical · Emotivist · Carefree · Serious · Judicious · Negativist · Result · Declaring. This as happened to me :/ I had to restart my life and I am still scarred. I'm so confused. INTJs are dominant intuitives. Maybe that is really the true meaning of life and it has always been hiding there, in plain sight. INTj: Male Straight 26-35 North America Pisces INXj: Join now! Start here! A simple guide to socionics. MBTI and Socionics are differing perspectives to the theories of Carl Jung. They prefer to measure what their actions are accomplishing in practice. Are INTJ and INFJ Relationships Compatible?INTJ and INFJ relationships are ones of kindred spirits where they share common interests but have opposite views. INTj: Male Straight 26-35 North America Pisces INXj: Join now! Start here! A simple guide to socionics. Prokofieva and M. Your strong point is an analytical mind, structural thinking, the ability to catch. Type Analyst (LII, Robespierre, INTJ) 1. It can be categorized as a type of nomothetic psychology. BlackCat Shaman. They may organize their cogitations into categories, diagrams, formulaic descriptions, or complex step by step explanations. As to how well an INTJ will relate to these profiles, I think this depends on INTJ's subtypes really. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. . INTJ’s primary objective is to realise a specific vision (Ni), and Te. Tests are garbage, we all know it but since i doubt any of you are well versed in socionics, that's the best we can do, a good. Socionics is the opposite of science: it does not observe people and then create a theory, rather it creates the theory and then observes people. Socionics organizes a person's psyche by dividing it into eight separate functions; this organizational structure is commonly referred to as Model A. However apart from the descriptions of the functions themselves, I've found that other descriptions of the INTj aren't very accurate. ENFJ in socionics is a bit different from MBTI as Fe is not as much about perceiving emotions of others, but about feeling passionate, reading other people easily and wanting to impact other people/society. This provides a certain commonality of methods and approaches and somewhat similar communication styles. HOWEVER in MBTI it is usually posited that we have and only use 4 functions. Joined Nov 19, 2008 Messages 7,038 MBTI Type ESFPINTP's have an integrated view and understanding of the world (or even the universe ) . Regardless of their adversaries the INTJ female is a formidable intellectual beast. 8s are demanding. Аналитик (Робеспьер, intj, ЛИИ): Обладает развитой логикой и способностью к анализу. How can INTJ and ISFP types communicate effectively with each other?. 5s are cynical. Watch this for an in-depth explanation of Jungian subtypes. In other words, I relate. It can be quite hard for us to find friends or partners that truly get us as we can come off as intimidating to many. . Ask a Socionics related question or provide an answer to an existing one. HOWEVER in MBTI it is usually posited that we have and only use 4 functions. See this video on TiNx (INTP, LII) in Model Vaserlan: St. In Socionics. Whenever I take Socionics test, I usually test as INFj or INTj. I get that intp = socianics INTj, and intj = socionics INTp, but intps/INTjs are portrayed as having Fi and Se which is wierd and makes no sense. Articles Various articles on the subject of Socionics and Types in general. Socionics represents the whole without the parts. Kuzmina. For example, socionics has ESTp-INTp (INTJ mbti) and ESFp-INFp (INFJ mbti) listed as semi-duals but the trend seems to be that INTp and INFp prefer their mirage/illusionary pairing in socionics (ENFp-INTp, ENTp-INFp), which is much less favorable than duality and semi-duality, or so it says. INTJ (Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging) is one of the sixteen personality types from personality type systems based on C. Alpha, or the 'first' quadra, includes ILE, SEI, ESE, and LII. While and INTJ has a deductive mind (tunnel visioned), trying to everything can through Extroverted thinking. Activation, or activity, is an intertype relation between two people that belong to opposite poles of all basic dichotomies except for extraversion and introversion (e. LIEs are predominantly future-oriented in their thinking. Jungain : Introverted · Intuitive · Logical · Rational. In other words, they belong to a bad relationship. Articles Various articles on the subject of Socionics and Types in general. INTJ have an integrated view of a big city. 1. com. Conclusion: Between ENFp and INFp there is Contrary Intertype Relationship. , INFJ). . EII are relatively more flexible and tolerant than ILI. This relationship is very insufficient and bad. . How do I figure out my Socionics type? Read everything you can find about the types on Wikisocion. Socionics table 16 relations. 8th Demonstrative function. Yes, it's possible to be an MBTI INTJ and a socionics INTj. An introduction into the widely used Socionics Visual. Later, Gammas tend to see Alphas as lacking ambition in the longer term, overly concerned with sensorial pleasure and comfort, and overly demanding of, and sensitive to, external. Socionics use p or j for what type of function thet are leading p for perception function or j for judging function. The most common question people ask is: "Is MBTI INTJ the same as Socionics INTp or Socionics INTj?" Some people have created the myth that if you change the last letter of the MBTI introvert type acronym to the opposite then you get a Socionics equivalent, i. Socionics is a theory of how individuals select and process information. 1,256. SLIs are often very pragmatic. To be able to believe in what we cannot see. 8th Function - Role Function. I do agree with @wolf12345 that MBTI INTJ is more likely to be socionics INTp but I've seen quite a few MBTI INTJs that identify with socionics INTj. In essence, we have two functions for each level of complexity, and these are the same for two types who differ by the last letter. I've been struggling for exactly 509 to decide whether I was an INTP or an INTJ in MBTI, then I discovered Socionics and I decided to give it up. Socionics Types: LII-INTj Description of The LII Ego Block Introverted Logic Ti LIIs are adept at organizing their understanding into structured thought. While the 2 subtype system generally stays within the bounds of classical socionics, the DCNH system essentially adds entirely new concepts. 9s are accepting. Also type 8 enneagram, which I know is correlated with Te. Quadra Alpha. Your conversations will tend to focus on your impressions, ideas, opinions, and theories. ILI description by Voroschenko - pathologies. Because. Each should allow the other plenty of personal space to process. Quadras. Past that point you can do whatever the FUCK you. From my understanding, an INFj in socionics is closets to an MBTI INFP, and an INTj in Socionics is closets to an MBTI INTP. In the theory of socionics, ESFJ and ISFP are diametrically contrary relationships. Although information metabolism is at the theory's most elementary level, most applications of socionics focus on the direct and indirect manifestations of a person's information metabolism. Thought I was INTJ, but LIE in socionics. May 7, 2017. ESI profile by Piatnitskiy. Introduction to Cognitive Functions (Socionics) Function #1 – leading, program, primary, base, or dominant function. General Description of Dual Relations. EIE-Fe is an ENFP 3w4. The INxx type poll posted on Personality Cafe shows that most INTJs go with INTp (ILI) in Socionics. Unstable in maintaining psychological distance. Ask a Socionics related question or provide an answer to an existing one. Frequently have a very slim figure; they can provoke conflicts and actions, including commercial ones.